Field Trips 2024 – 25

There is a charge of £ 5 per person for each half day trip, and £10.00 for each full day trip.  Some trips may attract extra costs such as travel, catering, admission charges and, in some cases, accommodation. These will be outlined to members in advance, wherever possible.

Non-members and guests from other organisations are always most welcome. However, if you are a guest, or inviting guests, it is an essential courtesy to inform the visit coordinator and Field Trips Committee Member – Bob Appleyard.  If numbers have to be limited on some trips then regular HGG members will take priority. Those attending field meetings do so at their own risk. Huddersfield Geology Group can accept no liability for injury, theft or loss however caused.
Saturday 15th March 2025 Hade Edge.  A short trip to explore the extensive flagstone quarries south of Hade Edge.  Start time will depend on the weather and available daylight.  We’ll discuss this once thriving local industry, and the geological origin of flagstones and related geology. Geology Lead – Steve Crabtree.  Human Aspects – Bob Appleyard
Saturday 26th April 2025 For what we believe is a first for HGG, we will be visiting the British Cave Research Association at Buxton.  See: by staff at the BCRA, the day will start at Poole’s Cavern, Buxton.  Walk up past Solomons Temple & onto Stanley Moor (sinks) to study local limestone features. Then on to Brook Bottom and back to Poole’s for a visit to the show cave and British Cave Science Centre.This promises to be a fascinating and informative day out.  There will be an admission charge for the caves and possibly a fee for lunch at the BCRA.  There is a limit on numbers, so please apply early.  Attendance will initially be limited to HGG members. Lead:  Bob Appleyard and BCRA Staff
Saturday 17th May A trip to the Todmorden area to study local sedimentary features and hunt for the elusive Coal Balls!  Lead:  Ian Warrington and local experts
Sunday 15th June Yorkshire Dales – Malham.  A vehicle tour to understand the overall landscape followed by Gordale Scar, Janets Foss, Crowden Reef knoll and, if time, a relocation to upper Gordale Beck and the Silurian exposure. Lead:  Ailsa Burrows
Friday-Sunday 4th-6th July Residential weekend to the North East of England/South East Scotland.  Detailed plans will follow, with visits to Duns and coastal locations likely.  We will probably include a location for Friday afternoon on the journey north.  Trip lead:  Alison Tymon plus supporting cast!

Please e-mail us for further details or contact Bob Appleyard at

Further details will be provided through this page on the web site and/or directly to those expressing an interest in attending.


As always, we welcome volunteers to assist in running field trips and your suggestions for future trips are most welcome.


Mini guides have been written for individuals or small groups to use.  These guides can be downloaded from: Publications – Mini Guides here on the website.

  • Monday 10th Feb - Phil Robinson - Marine incursions in the Millstone Grit. Greenhead House 7pm for 7.15pm.  See Talks page under Events for further details

  •  Saturday 15th March 2025. Hade Edge. See Fieldtrip page under Events for further details